
We prepare children both emotionally and academically for the transition to more formal learning

We have an extensive nursery curriculum…

Communication and Language

This area is fundamental to successful learning. Children are provided with different situations where they can follow instructions and communicate effectively with each other, within a stimulating and language rich environment.

Listening to stories and rhymes is an important part of every day. The children learn to sit quietly and discuss the stories afterwards, re-telling them in their own words and talking about their experiences.

Our pre-school children also have the opportunity to participate in French and Spanish lessons. This allows the children to explore the use of different languages and cultures.

Physical development

Strong emphasis is placed on physical development. All outdoor areas, including the large park adjacent to The Villa, are used effectively. The children make use of the outdoor provision at least four times a day. Throughout the week, the children are offered a range of activities which enrich their physical development, such as music and movement for our youngest children, as well as dance and yoga classes.

Our menu reflects the balanced diet and importance we attribute to healthy eating and child development. We invest in our local community by using local suppliers using organic food where possible.

Personal, social and emotional development

We provide a balance of education and care for each child, according to their needs, preparing them emotionally as well as academically for the transition to more formal learning. From a young age, we foster the skills of independence and self-confidence so the children develop a sense of responsibility for their own learning. We place an emphasis on the development of social skills and encourage good manners, sharing and awareness of others as part of our daily routine.


Access to a wide and varied selection of well-chosen reading matter is important and helps develop concentration skills and a natural love of books. We make regular visits to our local library.

Phonics is introduced in a fun and interactive way. Children are taught to recognise the sounds that letters represent and have the freedom to experiment with mark-making in quiet areas of the rooms.

As a School and Nursery we follow the Department for Education approved Twinkl Phonics scheme.


We guide the children through the early years of mathematics by providing them with a range of situations in which they can enjoy exploring, learning, practising and talking about numbers, measurements, pattern, shape and space. Songs and rhymes help them to memorise sequencing and symbols, which form the basis of much learning. We encourage play with a wide variety of construction and tabletop resources as well as using our outdoor space to broaden the children’s experiences.

Understanding the World

Teaching young children requires a dedicated, sensitive approach to the way their minds and bodies develop. Group activities are important as children watch and learn from all those around them. The way children explore the world is hugely rewarding because their natural curiosity sparks tremendous excitement about why and how things work.

Children are actively encouraged to respect and build an awareness of faith and different cultures in Britain, including fundamental British values like democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. They are taught to respect the views, customs and lifestyles of other people and the wider world.

Expressive Arts and Design

The experience of expressive art and design in a nursery setting is a key tool for comprehension and provides a cohesive link between the various areas of curricular activities. The children have regular cooking sessions and always enjoy sampling their efforts.

Children are encouraged to explore the different sounds that musical instruments make and have access to instruments in all the rooms. A professional musician takes weekly lessons where the children sing and explore percussion instruments. Specialist teachers also lead sessions on dance, music and movement, drama and yoga. This widens the children’s experiences and promotes the children to share ideas and thoughts through a variety of engaging activities.

Specialist Teaching

Our Early Years curriculum is enriched by a variety of specialist teaching activities which vary according to the days which the children attend and the year group they are in. Some of these activities include French, Spanish, music, dance and movement, drama and yoga.

Interested in our nursery curriculum? Find out more about our nursery admissions process by clicking below: